Emission Avoidance from the business-as-usual treatment of plastic waste
Public consultation on the first version from 14. April 2023 - 12. May 2023

Sectoral scope:
- Waste handling
Current stage:
Completeness review
This methodology focuses on the reduction of emissions through the avoidance of open burning plastic waste and instead recycling it into useful products. The eligible project activities involve recovering and utilizing plastic waste separated from municipal solid waste, industrial waste, or hospital waste and manufacturing into recycled products for various industries. This process results in a reduction of CO2e emissions equivalent to the amount that would have been generated if the plastic waste were open burnt.
The projects employ scientifically proven non-combustion technologies to produce these recycled products. Emissions from plastic waste are stored within products as stable compounds that can be repeatedly recycled when each product is recovered and reused.
By transforming recycled plastic materials into long-lasting products, the methodology effectively reduces the environmental degradation that is inherent in the open burning of plastic waste.
The open burning of plastic waste is a significant contributor to carbon dioxide emissions and other environmental pollutants. However, the eligible project activities mitigate these issues by preventing plastic waste from ending up from being burnt, thereby avoiding the release of harmful substances like black carbon and other GHG's that accelerate climate change. Open burning refers to uncontrolled burning of plastic waste in open settings such as dumpsites, landfills or even on the streets.
In summary, this methodology offers a sustainable approach to the management of plastic waste and simultaneously reduces greenhouse gas emissions by diverting plastic waste from open burning.