Kantur-Akdaş Landfill Methane Recovery Project - 1
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Project Information
Est. annual mitigations
326,624t CO2-e
Project Status
Project Type
Avoidance / Reduction
Waste handling and disposal
Project Description
Kantur-Akdaş Landfill Methane Recovery Project - 1, developed by the Kantur-Akdaş İnş. Gıda Pa. San. ve Ticaret A.Ş. (hereafter referred to as the “project owner”) is located at the Kantur-Akdaş landfill 1 site in Antalya Province of Turkey. The proposed project includes two activities one being the LFG capture/extraction from landfill site and its utilization for power generation and the other one being anaerobic decomposition of organic waste in anerobic digestor resulting in biogas generation and its utilization for power generation.
Validation Body
Validation Criteria
ISO 14064-2:2019
ICR requirements v4.0
Applied methodology
Verification Criteria
ISO 14064-2:2019
ICR requirements v4.0
Applied methodology
Project design description