Kross í Mjóafirði
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Project Information
1,062t CO2-e
The aim of the project is to produce and register certified carbon units in the International Carbon Registry (ICR) under the requirements set forth in the Icelandic Forest Carbon Code (IFCC). The Icelandic Forest Carbon Calculator is used to predict the expected carbon sequestration in the coming decades, but in order to obtain more accurate figures, a forester will need to assess the area better and make more detailed afforestation plans. Scenario is presented for afforestation on the farm Kross in Mjóifjörður based on different goals and species composition. On a 100 ha at Kross, 30 ha of Black Cottonwood, 30 ha of Sitka Spruce, and 40 ha of Lodgepole Pine are expected to be planted over two years in this scenario. The goal is carbon sequestration, improved hydrology, soil conservation, and to provide diverse habitat as well as improving the site for outdoor recreation and providing the possibility of future timber production.