Sekiyaka HPP
Sekiyaka HPP
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Project Information
9,468t CO2-e
Sekiyaka HPP Project, Türkiye (referred to as the “project” from here on) is a small hydroelectrical power generation project with the installed capacity of 3.39 MWe. The project was built and developed by Elen Enerji Üretimi Sanayi Ve Ticaret A.Ş. (Elen Enerji) (referred to as the “project owner” from here on). The project is expected to generate 17,054 MWh of clean energy per annum. The estimated CO2 emission reductions is 9,468 tCO2e. The total crediting period of the project activity is 10 years and the corresponding emission reductions for the whole period is 94,140 tCO2e. The project’s monitoring period is between 27/08/2015 and 31/12/2023 – both days included.